4 参考文献

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有村 1999, 修士論文、名古屋大学
Doi, Y. et.al., "Compact Two-dimensional Array of Stressed Ge:Ga Detectors" 1999, proceedings of ISO Detector Workshop, accepted for publication in Experimental Astronomy,
土井他、平成10年度大気球シンポジウム集録、宇宙科学研究所、in press
Nakagawa, T. et.al., "Far-Infrared [CII] Line Survey Observations of the Galactic Plane", 1998, ApJS, 115, pp259-269
Stacey, G. J. etl.al., "The 158 micron forbidden C II line - A measure of global star formation activity in galaxies", 1991, ApJ, 373, 423

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